Leading the way to a more innovative church.

Telos Residency is a 10-month residency program that equips the next generation to find their place in the mission of God and lead the way to a more innovative church that seeks the good of the community.

  • "TR has taught me to slow down and notice the voice and work of God in the world. This includes creating space and time to pay attention to my body that I might hear God… a sort of spirituality that feels fresh. For that I’m grateful."

    Zeru Fitsum

  • "TR places a high value on humans as holistic beings. We are mind, body, and spirit, and all of TR works to integrate those three things and teach about God's redemption in every area of our life. The trials and joys that came with this program have better equipped me to serve others from a place of union with God. The leadership is sincere, trustworthy, and wholly seeking God's kingdom here on earth."

    Dana Jones

  • "TR is a unique program—unlike any internship that you have ever heard of before. You are given a place to serve, be mentored by great, kingdom-minded people, and explore the gifts that God has given you. But what distinguishes TR is that there's an emphasis on learning and doing. It's one thing to talk in the classroom. It's a completely different ball game to practice it. You are going to be met with a community of grace and redemption."

    Jesse Merkel

  • I will always see TR as a catalytic year for me, setting the trajectory of my life and shaping me into the woman I want to be. I learned how to cultivate rhythms of rest and create a rule of life that allows me to grow in communion with Jesus…. TR has changed the way I think about ministry, rest, and a full life.

    Hannah Eddins

  • "TR was a catalyst in my life for sacred, upward change… a crucible of spiritual growth, the likes of which I have never seen, heard of, or experienced before. I have found new calling, deep community, powerful mentorship, and fresh eyes to receive, and pass on, the love of the Father.

    Josh Douglass

  • "TR has equipped me to have a deeper loving union with God... I am not the same person I was when I walked in. I just don't know where I would be without this experience and I am forever grateful."

    Ashton Overbay